Do You Know if Your Business Needs to Submit a Report for Gender Equality?

The Workplace Gender Equality Agency (WGEA) is an Australian Government statutory agency that promotes and improves workplace gender equality and administers the Workplace Gender Equality Act 2012 (Act).

The Act requires non-public sector employers with 100 or more employees to submit a report to the Agency. This covers standalone organisations or corporate structures with 100 or more employees across all entities.

Are you eligible to report?

If so, the report is mandatory and by submitting the report, outside of meeting your obligations, it allows an organisation to shine a light on gender equality issues in the workplace and allows an organisation to positively develop a strategy to overcome any of the identified issues.

The reporting period commenced on the 14th of April 2021, ending on the 14th of June 2021. The report covers the previous 12-month reporting period, from April (the previous year) to March (the current year).

There are a number of steps involved and organisations need to register and obtain a MyGovID. It can be completed online and includes:

  • A Reporting Questionnaire which relates to the organisation’s policies, strategies and actions on gender equality. The responses record how an organisation is meeting each of the gender equality indicators (GEIs) outlined in the Workplace Gender Equality Act 2012.
  • Workforce Management Statistics which is captured on an Excel worksheet and covers information about employee movements such as appointments, promotions, resignations and parental leave.
  • A Workplace Profile, another Excel worksheet that covers information about workforce makeup, salaries and remuneration.
  • The WGEA website is comprehensive and outlines who is eligible. Whilst the process is so important, it can be quite overwhelming, especially if you’re a first timer doing it.

LMHR can help you navigate your way through the steps involved or take the pain away and prepare it entirely for you.Get a free consultation from the LMHR Team today.